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The method of Pilates

in the field of the fitness

L ' effectiveness of the training with the method of Pilates has essentially had to the involvement of the called mind to put molding on the body.
E' a revolutionary method of physical and mental conditioning that transforms the perception of the body rendering more fluid the movements and more balanced the postura.

The method of Pilates increases the force muscular without to swell the muscle excessive, creating a longilineo and strengthened body, with legs snelle and abdominal plates. With the exercises created from Pilates conscience of just the body is taken, improving the postura and increasing qualifies it in the movements and the athletic gesture. The method of J. Pilates in fact increases the flexibility and the agilità' improving the ability they in the sport works.

The generally used programs of training in arena stretch to swell the muscular bands, creating short muscles with greater possibilities of traumi. The program of J.Pilates lengthens and reinforces the articulation developing more powerful and elastic muscles. A powerful but at the same time flexible physicist will be less subject to traumi.

The method of Pilates develops abdominal strong why it has been elaborated on the principles that stretch to develop one species of seat belt in order protect the back. The abdominal ones are not reinforced only but the deeper muscles to the column and around to the pelvis are reinforced close also. The result will be a more efficient and strong body.

In a traditional training it is stretched to train always larger the muscular bands neglecting the smaller muscles. The result e' an unbalanced body that it increases the possibility of traumi and it increases the probabilities to suffer badly from back. The method of Pilates reinforces all muscles of the body. No muscular group comes neglected. All the muscles are developed in uniform way, modifying the development pleasantly are of the daily activities that of the sport activities.

The method of Pilates stimulates the relation between body and mind concentrating the attention on the corrected respiration, on the alignment of the column and the pelvis. With the concentration the every knowledge of single every movement and single interested muscle is obtained, increasing therefore the control of the movements. In the method of Pilates the quality of the movement and more important of the amount of the repetitions.

The attention mails in the respiration becomes essential in how much helps to execute every movement with force and efficiency, reducing stress associated to one respiration not corrected.